Номер 2.
Послушай диктора, (43), и скажи, что Сэм Вуд (Sam Wood)умеет делать очень хорошо.
Sam can read very well. Сэм умеет читать очень хорошо.
Номер 3.
Прочитай правильно эти слова.
[i:]: eat, teach, speak, read, these, evening
[aʊə]: our, flower, shower, tower, flowerbed*
[eə]: their, chair, bear, teddy bear, parents, grandparents
[i:]:eat - есть, teach - учить, speak - говорить, read - читать, these -эти, evening - вечером.
[auə]:our - наш, flower - цветок, shower - душ, tower - башня, flowerbed - цветочная клумба.
[eə]:their - их, chair - стул, bear - медведь, teddy bear -плюшевый медведь, parents - родители, grandparents - бабушка и дедушка.
Номер 4.
Прочитай эти фразы. Проверь себя, (44).
1) I swim in the morning, my brother swims in the morning too. 2) We feed our dogs in the afternoon, he feeds his dog in the morning. 3) They cook in the evening, their granny cooks in the morning. 4) Their dog runs and jumps very well. 5) We speak English but not very well. Jane speaks English very well. 6) Betty teaches pupils at school. Henry teaches pupils too. They teach English
Ответ:1) I swim in the morning, my brother swims in the morning too. Я плаваю утром, мой брат тоже плавает утром.
2) We feed our dogs in the afternoon, he feeds his dog in the morning. Мы кормим нашу собаку днём, он кормит свою собаку утром.3) They cook in the evening, their granny cooks in the morning. Они готовят вечером, их бабушка готовит утром.
4) Their dog runs and jumps very well. Их собака бегает и прыгает очень хорошо.
5) We speak English but not very well. Jane speaks English very well. Мы говорим на английском но не очень хорошо. Джейн говорит на английском очень хорошо.
6) Betty teaches pupils at school. Henry teaches pupils too. They teach English. Бэтти учит детей в школе. Генри тоже учит детей. Они учат английскому.
Номер 4.
Прочитай текст и скажи, какие из утверждений, данных после текста, верны.
Mark Ross
Mark Ross teaches English in a London school. He likes to teach and he likes his pupils. They like Mark too. Mark helps his pupils with their English. In the evening Mark reads books and plays computer games. Mark has a father and a mother. His father is not very old and he teaches in a school too. His name is William Ross. He can cook very well. In the evening Mark and his father William cook together.
1) Mark Ross is a pupil in a London school.
2) Mark teaches English.
3) Mark teaches English in the evening.
4) Mark likes to play computer games.
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